Book of Faith
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New Resources
Here is a list of recommended resources for leaders, teachers and all wishing to improve their teaching skills. Many of these resources are more costly than others we recommend, so consider asking your Synod Office or local Resource Center to purchase a copy for common use among congregations in your area.

Leading in Faith (DVD Series) by Augsburg Fortress
How Lutherans Interpret the Bible (DVD course) by Select Multimedia
Teaching the Bible: Hosting the Conversation (DVD and online course)

Essays on Pedagogy in the Classroom (from David Rhoads, Professor of New Testament, Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago)
Faith Formation 2020 Initiative (A national study exploring the future of Faith Formation in Christian churches)
Our Calling in Education ELCA Social Statement
Suggestions for Further Reading on Religious Education (Dr. Mary Hess, Luther Seminary)

Christian Education Network of the ELCA
Select Multimedia
Faith and Wisdom (Lifelong Learning Opportunities for People of Faith)